Ministry Vision: As an organization of Christian Women, we encourage all women to grow in their faith, be of service to others and engage in fellowship with other women.
Monthly Bible Studies
We offer four monthly Bible study groups that meet at various times and dates. Each group uses the yearlong Bible study presented in the ELCA's Gather magazine. Each group is open to new participants and meets at St. Mark's (unless otherwise listed). The meetings are also a time for fellowship and connection with one another.
Quilting Ministry
For over 45 years, St. Mark’s faithful group of quilters have assembled and tied quilts for Lutheran World Relief as well as for those in our community. These quilts provide comfort and warmth in difficult times. In the last 15 years, approximately 1,325 quilts have been made – that equals about 10,600 yards of material! The quilters meet twice a month from 1:00 to 5:00 pm (come when you can and stay as long as you like), January through March. No experience is necessary – if you can tie a knot, you are qualified!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry shares God's love through the comfort and warmth of handmade shawls. The group gathers monthly to pray and knit/crochet shawls to give to people during times of need such as a hospital stay or while in a nursing home. Recipients feel wrapped in the warmth and love that the prayers and yarn have become.
Special Events
Throughout the year, special events are created for women to gather together for programs, good food and meaningful fellowship. These range from a Cabin Fever game day in winter, a spring luncheon, craft day, holiday brunch, “field trips” to plays and Synod events, and attendance at local and national ELCA gatherings.
For More Information
All women of the church are welcome and encouraged to participate in this ministry. For more information about the Women of St. Mark’s, contact the church office at 651-777-7451 or