The work of our administrative committees provides a strong foundation as we engage in the mission placed in our hands and planted in our hearts by God. These behind-the-scenes committees are lay driven and work in collaboration with other committees, the pastors, and church staff to bring about stability and structure.
Church Council
The St. Mark’s Church Council serves as a “board of directors” for the church. The goal is to involve all members of the congregation in worship, learning, service, and support. Responsibilities include: long-range planning, setting goals and priorities, approving an annual budget, and evaluating church activities in light of the church’s mission and goals. The St. Mark’s Church Council consists of the pastors and at least 12 members of the congregation (including one youth member). Any voting member of the congregation may be elected by written ballot to serve for up to a three year term, serving no more than two full terms consecutively.
The Finance Committee oversees and distributes the financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the church. It provides regular financial reports to council, including a well thought out annual budget. They also oversee the preparation of year-end financial statements for audit, assist with stewardship campaigns, and maintain all policies and procedures pertaining to finance.
The Personnel Committee is a professional, supportive, and confidential resource for the church staff. The committee provides for staff accountability, annual compensation reviews, and annual evaluation of the ministry of the pastors.
The Property Committee ensures that St. Mark’s provides a safe, comfortable, and well-maintained space for all who enter. Members meet regularly to provide planning and oversight of maintenance and capital improvements to the building and grounds. Two groups within this committee:
Special Gifts & Memorials
This committee concentrates on the prompt and intelligent use of gifts given to meet special needs of the church. Memorial or special gifts given in honor or memory of a person or a special event are either designated for special purposes or given to the general memorial fund where they may be used for any purpose consistent with the mission of the church.
For More Information
If you are interested in becoming a committee member, please contact the church office at 651.777.7451 or email